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Business Travel Insurance Guide: Making Informed Choices

In the dynamic realm of corporate travel, where unexpected twists can throw off your plans in an instant, securing the right Business Travel Insurance becomes your ticket to peace of mind. Let’s delve into making savvy choices to ensure a safeguarded journey for you and your team.

Unlocking the Mystery of Business Travel Insurance

Business Travel Insurance serves as your safety net, crafted to handle unforeseen hurdles that may pop up during your business trips. From health concerns and baggage mishaps to cancellations and unforeseen strikes, this policy acts as your ally, managing costs and alleviating stress.

Decoding the Business Travel Insurance Categories

Single Trip Insurance: Encompassing the entirety of a single journey.

Multi-Trip Insurance: Extending coverage across multiple trips within a fixed time window (up to 9 months).

What Lies Within the Coverage?

Health Coverage:

Ensure your insurance aligns with the unique needs of individuals within your group. In cases of injuries, illnesses, or trip interruptions, Business Travel Insurance steps in to handle costs, provided you have the necessary medical documentation.

Pro Tip: Disclose any underlying health conditions for comprehensive coverage.

Cancellations and Strikes:

Navigate disruptions caused by post-Covid-19 and Brexit with a package covering all unforeseen circumstances. A robust policy not only reimburses cancelled travel costs but also organises alternative journeys and accommodations.

Did You Know? 4 out of 10 travel insurance providers do not cover cancellations due to staff strikes (Source: MSN News).

Lost or Stolen Items:

While luggage and travel documents are typically covered, it’s essential to ensure your policy specifies coverage for work-related items like laptops. Keep in mind that personal items such as jewellery or mobile phones are generally not covered.

Where to find the right Business Travel Insurance?

Direct with Airlines:

Engage with your selected airline directly. They can offer personalised advice on securing Business Travel Insurance. Face-to-face discussions can provide clarity, adding a human touch to your decision-making.

Note of Caution: Airlines often focus on single-trip insurance, making them less suitable for extended group trips.

Green Lists:

Leverage the power of categorisation with Green Lists, sorting insurance companies based on factors like refund speed and cancellation policies. Tailor your choice according to your business’s priorities—be it speed or cost.

Specialised Business Travel Insurance Providers:

When exploring Business Travel Insurance, consider specialized providers that tailor policies to meet the unique needs of corporate travellers. Their expertise ensures a comprehensive approach to coverage that aligns seamlessly with your business requirements.

Credit Card Companies:

Unlock the potential of premium credit cards that often come with travel insurance benefits. Delve into the offerings of your credit card company to understand the extent of coverage provided, ensuring it aligns with the demands of your business travel.

Employee Benefits Providers:

For a streamlined approach, check if your existing employee benefits provider offers business travel insurance options. Bundling travel insurance with other benefits not only simplifies the process but can also result in potential cost savings. It’s a strategic way to enhance your overall employee benefits package.


Ready to improve your corporate journeys with confidence? Consider Ortharize, a comprehensive solution designed to meet your unique needs. While we don’t provide travel insurance, our dedicated offline travel team can assist you in finding the right coverage. If you’re interested in learning more about our bespoke travel solution and how we’re saving our users up to 40% on their business travel spend, book a demo with us today.

Explore more tips on optimising your business trips: Building staff wellbeing into corporate travel

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